Friday, 2 December 2011

Going out and doing something...

As i sat watching exit through the gift shop this morning(yes i know i posted about it already) I have been thinking about what i have done with my "art" life.. The 30th of november i spent in mayfeild with a couple of friends at a legal wall sadly I didn't get any pictures and the main one i went to do messed up badly it was REALLY windy The stencil kept blowing away and ended up tearing at the legs and then when i sprayed it due to the wind i had to go fast as i could and it ended up dripping like mad it ended up looking like the zues/zevs pictures i posted eariler in this blog...

I have been spending most of my free time making stencils trying to come up with ideas and stuff of that nature...
I have been working on this(its a banksy edit and a bad one but its just a concept right now)
(hoody with spray can)

I have been lately wanting to do more on canvas but havent either had the time or its been too cold to go outside Its been pretty bad lately i have been wanting to find more legal walls and get more street stuff out there...

Sorry this this blog has been all about me i don't want to make it about me because lets face it im boring. So i will post about work i see or news i find about the world of street art!

Goodbye for now, GHOSTZz

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