Friday 9 December 2011


Okay before i start i just want to state that Invader is one of my hero's of the street art world his work amazes me each time i see it and with that said..

Invader is a french street artist who has become famous for his wacky style of making cubes into 8 bit art on the street

He started when street art was first born in france going all over putting these little pictures up around france they became a bit of a urban legend it was not known who done these or why the artist behind them became known as space invader due to the fact that most of the pieces were "aliens" from the classic space invader's game...

Invader finally made a really great idea of doing work outside of paris and france and has since done work around the world in places like hong kong the uk america berlin and thats just to name a few..

"working with friends" he has worked with artists such as banksy shepard fairey Zues and MBW(sadly..) and many others.. Doing work or as he puts it "invading" he invaders little citys putting these pieces up and is gone a few minutes later never to be seen there again...

He hasn't always just done work on the street though he is still to this day making pieces and selling them here is some pictures of his "indoor" work
This has been made from a rubix cube i think its simply amazing

all your cube are belong to us
rubix invader

monalisa pixel

Here's pixely

Invader still works to this day putting up pieces all around paris and the world still working with the big names of the street art world infact he has a show with some banksy pieces going on as i write this.. Sadly it is in america so i don't get the chance to see the show but the pictures i have seen online of some of the works in the show i would say if you are in the area CHECK IT OUT!!!

Thank you for reading, GHOSTZz

Friday 2 December 2011

Going out and doing something...

As i sat watching exit through the gift shop this morning(yes i know i posted about it already) I have been thinking about what i have done with my "art" life.. The 30th of november i spent in mayfeild with a couple of friends at a legal wall sadly I didn't get any pictures and the main one i went to do messed up badly it was REALLY windy The stencil kept blowing away and ended up tearing at the legs and then when i sprayed it due to the wind i had to go fast as i could and it ended up dripping like mad it ended up looking like the zues/zevs pictures i posted eariler in this blog...

I have been spending most of my free time making stencils trying to come up with ideas and stuff of that nature...
I have been working on this(its a banksy edit and a bad one but its just a concept right now)
(hoody with spray can)

I have been lately wanting to do more on canvas but havent either had the time or its been too cold to go outside Its been pretty bad lately i have been wanting to find more legal walls and get more street stuff out there...

Sorry this this blog has been all about me i don't want to make it about me because lets face it im boring. So i will post about work i see or news i find about the world of street art!

Goodbye for now, GHOSTZz